Biographical Materials

Breeze, George, Peyton Skipwith, and Abbie N. Sprague. Sixty Works by Joseph Southall 1861-1944, from the Fortunoff Collection. London: The Fine Art Society, 2005. [This catalogue can be obtained from the Fine Art Society.]
Dunkerton, Jill. Joseph Southall 1861-1944, Artist-Craftsman. Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 1980; page 33-34, illustrated page 34, number B2(i).
Nahum, Peter, and Sally Burgess. Pre-Raphaelite-Symbolist-Visionary. London: Peter Nahum at Leicester Galleries.
Southall, J. E. "The Graphic Arts in Education." The Friends' Quarterly Examiner, No.234, Fourth Month, 1925.
Last modified 4 December 2005