Greeted by one critic at the Royal Academy of 1893 as "a thoroughly well trained painter who, unlike most lady artists does not take things easily nor fail in thinking out her subject...," Marianne Stokes is one woman who operated at the top of the hierarchy of genres. — Pamela Gerrish Nunn, p. 177
Biographical Material

- Marianne Stokes, née Preindlsberger, A.R.W.S. (1855-1927), by Hélène L Postlethwaite (1895)
- Mrs Adrian Stokes, by Alice Meynell (1901)
Evans, Magdalen. Utmost Fidelity: The Painting Lives of Marianne and Adrian Stokes. Clifton, Bristol: Sansom, 2009.
Meynell, Alice. "Mrs Adrian Stokes." The Magazine of Art Vol. 25 (1901): 241-46. Internet Archive. Sponsored by the Kahle/Austin Foundation. Web. 24 June 2023.
Nunn, Pamela Gerrish. "Dorothy's Career and Other Cautionary Tales." Crafting the Woman Professional in the Long Nineteenth Century. Edited by Kyriaki Hadjiafxendi and Patricia Zakreski. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2016. 167-184.
Postlethwaite, Hélène L "Some Noted Women Painters." The Magazine of Art 18 (1895): 17-22. Internet Archive. Sponsored by the Kahle/Austin Foundation. Web. 4 June 2023.
Stokes, Adrian and Marianne. Hungary. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1909. Internet Archive, from a copy in Robarts Library, University of Toronto. Web. 4 June 2023.
Yeldham, Charlotte. "Stokes [née Preindlsberger], Marianne (1855–1927), artist." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Online ed. Web. 4 June 2023.
Created 1 June 2023