Classical subjects
- A Favourite Custom
- After the Audience (no image)
- Antony and Cleopatra (no image)
- An Apodyterium
- Audience at Agrippa's (no image)
- Bluebells
- Catullus at Lesbia's
- A Coign of Vantage
- Claudius (no image)
- Cleopatra
- Consecration of a Priestess of Bacchus
- A Connoissseur (no image)
- The Emperor Hadrian Visiting a Romano-British Pottery (no image)
- Entrance to a Theatre
- A Hearty Welcome (no image)
- Hero
- The Kiss
- Love in Idleness
- Love's Jewelled Fetter
- The Picture Gallery (no image)
- My Sister Is Not In
- Phidias in the Parthenon (no image)
- Pleading
- The Pyrrhic Dance
- A Roman Emperor (Claudius)
- A Roman lady returning from making purchases
- Sappho and Alcaeus
- A Sculptor's Model
- Silver Favourites
- Tepidarium
- Thermae Antoninanae
- The Triumph of Titus: The Flavians
- Unconscious Rivals
- The Vintage Festival
- The Women of Amphissa
- The Roses of Heliogabalus
- A Sculpture Garden

Classical subjects in the Pérez Simón Collection (no images on this site)
- Agripinna Visiting the Ashes of Germanicus, 1866
- Returning Home from Market, 1865
- Greek Wine, 1873••
- The Architect of the Coliseum, 1875••
- An Exedra, 1871••
- An Earthly Paradise, 1891
- Her Eyes are With Her Thoughts and They Are far away1897,
- A Question, 1877
- Study for The Roses of Heliogabalus, 1888
- Vain Courtship, 1890
[•• = watercolor]
Egyptian or Biblical subjects
- Joseph, Overseer of Pharaoh's Granaries
- The Finding of Moses
- An Egyptian Festival Three Thousand Years Ago (no image)
- The Egyptian Chess-Players (no image)
Medieval & Renaissance Subjects
- Sunday Morning
- Clotilde at the Tomb of Her Grandchildren (no image)
- The Education of the Children of Clovis (no image)
- Portrait of Leopold Löwenstam
- Portrait of E. A. Waterlow, Esq., A.R.A.
- Portrait of Lourens Alma Tadema (self-portrait as a young man)
- Self-portrait

Related Material
- Laura Alma-Tadema (paintings by Sir Laurence's second wife, also an artist)
- F. W. Farrar's Moral Critique of The Roses of Heliogabalus
- Hall of Mirrors: Critique, Contradiction and Irony in Lawrence Alma-Tadema
- Setting and Gender in The Women of Amphissa
- A Moral Critique of The Roses of Heliogabalus
- Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema's Entrance to a Roman Theatre
- Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema's A Sculpture Garden — Where's the Story
- An Inglorious Moment in Ancient Rome
- Cleopatra: Elizabeth Taylor or Lochness Monster?
Last modified 30 July 2021