Portrait of William Watson
James Dawson Watson RWS, 1832-1892
Oil on panel
9 1/4 x 6 1/4 inches (24.7 x 17.2 cm)
Signed with monogram, lower right, and inscribed, verso: "Vera Effigies Guiliemi Watson. M.R.C.S. (Land LSA) / Anno Aetatis suae, 23 / Johannes D. Watson opud Londinum fecit. April 1861.
Robertson William Watson 1838-1878, graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in 1861 and also as a Licenciate of the Society of Apothocaries (LSA). He set up practice in Lancaster; he was Honorary Surgeon at Lancaster General Dispensary and Infirmary, and Assistant Surgeon to the First Duke's Own Royal Lancashire Militia.