The Awakening Conscience
- The Victorian Passion to Weed Out Vice and Hunt's Awakening Conscience
- William Holman Hunt's The Awakening Conscience
- Hogarthian Touches in The Awakening Conscience
The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple
- The Iconography of The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple
- Symbolic Details in The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple
The Hireling Shepherd
- Moral Critique in Hunt's The Hireling Shepherd
- The Moral Implications of Hunt's The Hireling Shepherd
- When Message and Style Compete for the Viewer's Attention: The Hireling Shepherd
The Lady of Shalott
The Shadow of Death
- Hunt's The Shadow of Death and Rossetti's 'Good Friday': An Unsettling Typology
- Realism and Symbolism in Hunt's The Shadow of Death
- The Shadow of Death — Not a Statement of Fact
- The Passion according to Hunt and Gibson (The Shadow of Death)
- Regarding the Presence of Typological Symbolism within Hunt's The Shadow of Death
Early Works
- Hard-Edge Realism in Hunt's A Converted British Family sheltering a Christian Priest from the Persecution of the Druids
- Depicting the Inspired Subject: Hunt's Rienzi
- Symbolism in Hunt's The Scapegoat
The Triumph of the Innocents
- Realism and Spirituality in Hunt's The Triumph of the Innocents
- The Enchanted Journey (The Triumph of the Innocents)
- The Triumph of the Innocents as Magical Realism
Landscapes and Miscellaneous Works
- Religious and Political Meaning in the Pre-Raphaelite Landscape: Hunt's Strayed Sheep (Our English Coasts)
- William Holman Hunt's The Great Pyramid
- Orientalism vs. Spirituality in the Works of William Holman Hunt

Last modified 11 May 2008