Gladstone: Four times British Prime Minister, grand old man of the liberal party, scholar, financier, theologian, orator, humanitarian, and thorn in the side of Benjamin Disraeli, who, when asked to define the difference between a misfortune and a calamity, replied, "If Mr. Gladstone were to fall into the Thames, it would be a misfortune. But if someone dragged him out, it would be a calamity." — Anne Fadiman, Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader, 140
Gladstone vs. Disraeli, Disraeli vs. Gladstone

- A Sign of the Times; or giving up the old house (1868)
- Compliments before parting (1878)
- Excelsior (1878)
- Consulting and Insulting (1880)
- The Rival Sandwiches: A Slanging Duet (1880)
- The Westminster Rifle Meeting
- Bowing Him Out (1880)
- Great National Wrestling Match: The Election grip (1880)
- Cabinet Pictures. ‘Succcess’ and ‘Failure’ (1880)
Gladstone triumphant
- Pharoah’s Serpents (1865)
- A Retiring Disposition (1867)
- Happily Landed (1873)
- Trying to Bowl Him Out. “Play” (1880)
- The Next Tragedy (1873)
- William the Conqueror (1880)
- The Westminster Rifle Meeting (1880)
- Congratulations (1880)
- At the Liberal Laundry (1880)
- His Last Decoration. “The Order of the Sack” (1880)
- St. Stephen’s Circus (1880)
- Mr. Gladstone and His Critics (1880)
- A Yorkshire Pastoral. The Gentle Shepherd Piping to the Enraptured Sheep (1881)
- Lord Mayor’s Day (1880)
- At work again (1882)
- On Board the “Sunbeam” (1885)
- Marching to Battle (1885)
- The Boyhood of Great Men (1886)
- The Great Champion Shaver (1887)
- Irish Snap-Dragon. The Dynamite Game (1893)
- Taking her measure (1893)
- The Opening Scene (1893)
- The Grand Old Rope Trick: Joe Tying him up. A Knotty Point (1893)
- St. Valentine’s Day (1893)
- Onward (1893)
- St. Patrick struggling with the reptiles (1893)
- April Showers. Raining Tories and Unionists (1893)
- The Birmingham Bow-Wow (1893)
- My Home Rule Dutch (1893)
- The Last Sweeps of the Scythe (1893)
- The Clever Old Dog (1893)
- Left Luggage: Starting the Parliamentary Train (1893)
- “Coercion.” — Those Irish boys again (1893)
- The Sphinx (1893)
- The Next Tragedy (1873)

Disraeli and Derby
Disraeli triumphant and in charge
- Conservative Hopes (1864)
- The Dashing Cabby
- A Trump with All the Honours; or Killing Two Birds with One Blow (1868)
- The New Alchemy (1876)
- Another Turn of the Screw (1876)
- Decorating his Idol (1878)
- Fortune and Misfortune. Holiday Time or the Dead Season (1878)
- The Footprint on the Sand (1879)
- A Dangerous Crossing (1878)
- The Mother’s Pet

Disraeli and the 1867 Reform Bill
- A Fitting Question
- The Political Peri
- Trying it on
- The Sketch of the Ministerial Measure
- The Dryads of Disfranchisemen
- Dishing the Whigs
- After the Victory
Disraeli and the 1878 Berlin Conference
- Going to Congress
- The Blank Canvas
- A Question at Starting
- The Abode of Mystery
- The Anglo-Russian Agreement
- Waiting for Lord Beaconsfield
- Berlin Treaty with Anglo-Turkish Stuffing
- The Dashing Cabby
- Congress. — The Last Measure
- An Appeal to the Public
- The Rival Ballot Singers (Gladstone vs Salisbury)
- The Great Ballot Boxing Match. End of the First Round. (Gladstone vs Salisbury)
- The Choice of Hercules
- The Battle of Hustings (Disraeli vs Palmerston)
Last modified 19 June 2019