This list of links, with its introduction, is reproduced here by kind permission of Patrick Leary and the Victoria Research Web. It has been reformatted for our website by Jacqueline Banerjee. Please check here for updates.
Here is a preliminary attempt at creating a working list of nineteenth-century British periodicals that are accessible online for free, as distinct from the much larger number of titles to be found behind the subscription paywalls of the commercial Gale and ProQuest collections. The core of the list is based on the list of serials assembled by John Mark Ockerbloom and his team at Penn, as part of their Online Books pages, with additions from various other sources.
Many of these titles are partial runs, and most are linked to the copy found in HathiTrust, which imposes a very useful bibliographical order onto scans by Google Books (and others) and provides an elegant reader interface. HathiTrust has two grave drawbacks, however: (1) some titles are not accessible, in whole or in part, outside of the U.S., and (2) most titles, although they can be searched and read online and a few individual pages copied, cannot be wholly downloaded unless you are affiliated with a university that is a member. Luckily, a freely downloadable copy of a periodical listed only from HathiTrust can usually be found using the "Find in Google Books" link (under the "Get this item" tab at left) on the HathiTrust page for the item.
The difficulties posed by HathiTrust are not found in the Internet Archive, although the IA has disadvantages of its own: volumes show up separately rather than as a set, searching for titles from scratch can be difficult, it is not nearly as sophisticated about metadata, and sometimes its scans are lousy. And yet its advantages are great, as well, particularly since a 2018 donation led to the creation of the Serials in Microfilm collection of some 14,000 periodical titles, including such Victorian mainstays as Punch and the Illustrated London News. Unlike HathiTrust, IA highlights results when searching across volumes, and enables bulk downloads. Ignore the IA page headings for these serials, however, which invariably claim that the periodicals listed were published in the U.S.
A few of these links are to open-access curated collections like The Yellow Nineties, BLT19, Nineteenth Century Serials Edition, the Biodiversity Heritage Library and the Women's Rights Collection at LSE. Where the link is to Google Books alone (rather than from the Online Books page) it is to the earliest available volume; to see more volumes, if any, of that title, scroll down and click on "Other editions" or "More editions." Titles not listed here may well be locatable through the Advanced Search feature of Google Books. Similarly, using the "Search metadata" function within IA's serials collection can often help locate individual titles. An alternative to both of these that may be worth exploring is the German periodical database Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB). Applying various filters (date-span, language, "free of charge," etc.) can yield a number of open-access 19th-c. titles that have been digitized by German libraries, and these scans are not infrequently superior to ones made by Google or IA. My thanks to book historian Nora Ramtke for the tip.
The periodical press of nineteenth-century Britain was incomprehensibly large and varied. John North has estimated that over 70,000 titles of magazines and newspapers were published over that period. Any list like this one can only begin to suggest that variety. Yet you will find here some of the most important examples of the vastly influential organs of middle-class opinion alongside serial reports of learned societies, comic papers, professional and trade papers, hobbyist magazines, journals published by and for women, literary magazines, the religious press, and much else. Happy browsing!
- The Academy
- The Age
- Ainsworth's Magazine
- The Album
- All the Year Round (see DJO); >IA)
- Ally Sloper's Half Holiday
- The Amateur Photographer
- The Analyst
- The Anglo-Saxon Review
- The Annual Register
- Annual report of the Registrar-General of births, deaths, and marriages in England (1839-1902)
- The Annual Report of the Swansea Literary and Scientific Society
- The Anthropological Review
- The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine
- The Antiquary (1880-1915)
- The Anti-Slavery Reporter
- The Archaeological Journal
- The Architect
- The Architectural Magazine
- The Argosy
- Arnold's Magazine of the Fine Arts
- Art and Letters
- The Artist
- The Art Journal
- The Asiatic Quarterly Review
- Association Medical Journal (JS)
- The Astronomical Register (ZDB)
- Atalanta
- The Athenaeum (GDZ, 1845-1902)
- The Atlantis
- Aunt Judy's Annual
- Aunt Judy's Magazine (IA, 1879)
- The Author (SoA project, 1884-1914)
- The Badminton Magazine of Sports and Pastimes
- Bailey's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes
- The Baker and Confectioner (1897)
- The Band of Hope Review and Children's Friend> (1851-56)
- The Bankers' Magazine and Journal of the Money Market (1844-1906)
- The Beacon: A Journal of Politics and Literature
- Beeton's Christmas Annual, 1872
- Beeton's Englishwoman's Almanac, 1870
- Beeton's Every Lady's Christmas Annual and Almanac, 1876
- The Belfast Magazine and Literary Journal
- Belgravia: A London Magazine
- Belgravia Annual
- La Belle Assemblee
- The Bengal Magazine
- Bentley's Miscellany
- Bentley's Quarterly Review
- The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature
- Bijou: An Annual of Literature and the Arts
- Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
- The Bookman
- The Bookseller
- The Book-worm
- Bow Bells
- The Boy's Own Annual
- The Boy's Own Magazine
- The Boy's Own Paper
- Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal
- The British Almanac Companion (1828-1888)
- The British Bookmaker (GB, 1893-94)
- The British Chess Magazine
- The British Controversialist and literary Magazine
- The British Critic
- The British and Foreign Review
- The British Friend of India Magazine
- The British Journal of Dental Science
- The British Journal of Photography
- The British Journal of Nursing, Incorporating the Nursing Record
- The British Medical Journal
- The British Printer
- The British Workman
- Brontë Society Transactions
- The Builder
- Calcutta Review
- Calcutta University Magazine
- The Cambrian Journal
- The Cambro-Briton
- Canterbury Police Gazette
- Cassell's Magazine
- The Catholic Layman
- The Central Literary Magazine
- The Century Guild Hobby Horse (1887, 1889, 1893; 1884)
- Chambers's Edinburgh Journal
- Chambers's Journal
- Chapman's Magazine of Fiction
- The Chemical News
- The Christian Lady's Magazine
- Chapman's Magazine of Fiction
- The Charity Organisation Review
- The Christian Remembrancer
- The Church of England Quarterly Review
- The Church of Ireland Gazette
- The Church Quarterly Review
- Churchman
- Cleave's Weekly Police Gazette (1836)
- Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
- The Comic Annual
- The Compositors' Chronicle
- Colburn's United Service Magazine
- The Contemporary Review
- The Cornhill Magazine
- The Cornish Magazine
- The Country Gentleman's Magazine
- The Court Journal and Fashionable Gazette
- The Critic: A Record of Literature, Art, Music, Science, and the Drama (GB, 1851, 1855, 1856-57)
- The Crystal Palace and Its Contents (1851-52)
- Curtis's Botanical Magazine
- Dark Blue
- The Dawn
- The Dental Times
- The Dial
- The Dickensian
- Douglas Jerrold's Shilling Magazine (GB)
- The Drama, or theatrical pocket magazine
- The Dublin Literary Gazette
- The Dublin Penny Journal
- The Dublin Review
- The Dublin University Magazine
- Early English Text Society, Extra Series
- Early English Text Society, Original Series
- The East Anglian
- Echoes from the Clubs
- The Eclectic Review
- The Economist
- The Edinburgh Gazette
- The Edinburgh Ladies' Debating Society (two journals)
- The Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal
- Edinburgh Medical Journal
- The Edinburgh Monthly Review
- The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal (1826-64) (HT)
- The Edinburgh Review
- The Electrical Times
- Eliza Cook's Journal
- The English Catalogue of Books
- The English Historical Review
- The English Illustrated Magazine (IA)
- The English Mechanic, 1865-66; 1867-70
- The English Review
- The English Woman's Journal
- The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine
- The Entomologist
- The Entomological Magazine
- The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
- The Era Almanack (HT)
- Evergreen
- The Examiner (IA)
- Fabian Tracts
- The Family Herald
- The Farmer's Magazine
- Figaro in London (GB; HT)
- The Fine Arts Quarterly Review
- The Floral Cabinet and Magazine of Exotic Botany
- The Fly
- The Folk-Lore Journal
- The Folk-Lore Record
- Folklore
- The Food Journal
- The Foreign Quarterly Review
- Forget-Me-Not
- The Fortnightly Review
- Fraser's Magazine (IA)
- The Freemason
- The Freemason and Masonic Illustrated
- The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine
- The Freemasons' Quarterly Review
- The Fritillary
- Fun (IA)
- The Garden
- Gardeners' Chronicle
- The Gardener's Magazine
- Gentleman's Magazine
- The Geographical Journal
- The Geographical Magazine (MDZ)
- The Geological Magazine
- The Geologist: a popular monthly magazine of geology
- The Germ
- Golden Hours: A Magazine for Sunday Reading (1866-71)
- Good Words
- The Graphic (IA: 1880-89; 1890-99; 1900-02)
- Guy's Hospital Reports
- Hansard's Parliamentary Debates (MDZ, 1865-88)
- Hardwicke's Science-Gossip (1890s-)
- Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial
- Hazell's Magazine
- Herapath's Railway Journal
- Hogg's Weekly Instructor
- The Home Companion
- The Home and Foreign Review
- The Homeopathic Times
- Hood's Magazine (GB)
- The Horticultural Register
- The Hospital
- Household Narrative of Current Events (see DJO)
- Household Words (see DJO)
- Howitt's Journal
- Human Nature: A Monthly Journal of Zoistic Science
- The Ibis: A Magazine of General Ornithology
- The Idler
- The Illuminated Magazine, vols 1-3. vol. 4
- The Illustrated Crystal Palace Gazette (1853-54)
- The Illustrated London Almanack
- The Illustrated London News (IA)
- The Illustrated Police News (1871-72;1873,1875;1876-96)
- The Illustrated Review (GB, 1871)
- The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News (1874-79) (HT, 1903-1928)
- Illustrated Sporting News and Theatrical and Musical Review> (1862-66)
- The Illustrated Times (GB)
- Illustrated Weekly News (1861-69)
- Illustrated Weekly Times (1843)
- The Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review
- The Imperial Magazine
- Index to the Periodicals (Review of Reviews)
- India: A Journal for the Discussion of Indian Affairs
- Indian News and Chronicle of Eastern Affairs
- Industries
- The Irish Jurist
- The Irish Monthly
- The Irish Naturalist
- The Irish Penny Journal
- The Irish Penny Magazine
- The Jewish Quarterly Review
- The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology
- The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
- Journal of the British Astronomical Association
- Journal of the Chemical Society (IA)
- Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society
- Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society
- Journal of Education
- Journal of the Ethnological Society of London
- Journal of the Folk-Song Society
- Journal of the Peking Oriental Society
- The Journal of Indian Art and Industry (1886-1916)
- Journal of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology
- Journal of the Royal African Society
- Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London
- Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland
- Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
- Journal of the Royal Society of Arts
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (JS, 1838-77)
- Journal of the Society of Arts HT:1873-1905; JS: 1852-1877
- Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
- Journal of Theological Studies
- Judy: or, The London Serio-Comic Journal
- The Junior Photographer
- The Keepsake
- The Kerry and Dexter Herd Book
- Knight's Penny Magazine (1846)
- The Ladies' Companion
- The Ladies' Edinburgh Magazine
The Lady's Newspaper and Pictorial Times - The Lady's Realm
- The Lancet
- The Law Journal Reports
- The Law Reports, Queen's Bench
- The Law Times
- The Leader
- Leigh Hunt's London Journal
- The Leisure Hour (HT)
- The Library
- Light: A Journal of Psychical, Occult, and Mystical Research
- The Literary Chronicle and Weekly Review (1819-28)
- The Literary Gazette (GB)
- The Literary Panorama and National Register (1806-19)
- The Literary Pioneer and family journal of amusement and utility
- Little Folks
- Lloyd's Penny Weekly Miscellany of Romance and General Interest
- Lloyd's Weekly Miscellany (1849-50) (vol 1, nos 11-21; vol 1, nos 33-42)
- The London and China Telegraph (BSB)
- The London Journal
- The London Journal of Arts and Sciences
- London Journal of Medicine
- The London Magazine
- The London Medical Gazette
- The London Medical Record
- London, Provincial and Colonial Press News (1878-80)
- The London Quarterly Review
- London Quarterly and Holborn Review, 1853-1968
- The London Reader (1863-1903)
- The London Review and Weekly Journal of Politics, Literature, Art, & Society
- London Society (IA)
- Longman's Magazine
- The Ludgate (IA) (IA)
- The Lute: A Monthly Journal of Musical News (1883-1899)
- Macmillan's Magazine
- The Magazine of Art
- The Magazine of Natural History
- Magazine of natural history and journal of zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology and meteorology
- The Man in the Moon
- The Mechanics' Magazine, 1823-28; 1829-52; 1853-58
- The Medical Times
- The Medium and Daybreak
- The Melbourne Punch
- Memoirs and Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London
- The Methodist Temperance Magazine
- The Metropolitan Magazine
- Mind
- The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction
- Miscellanies of the Philobiblion Society
- The Modern Review
- The Month
- The Monthly Chronicle
- Monthly Journal of Medical Science
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- The Monthly Packet
- The Monthly Repository
- The Monthly Review
- Murray's Magazine
- Musical News
- The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular
- The Musical World (GB)
- Myra's Journal of Dress and Fashion
- The National Review (1855-64)
- The National Review (1883-)
- Nature
- Nature Notes: The Selborne Society's Magazine (1890-1908; see also 1888-89)
- The Nautical Magazine
- The New Century Review (1897-1900)
- The New Monthly Magazine
- The New Quarterly Magazine
- The New Quarterly Review
- The New Review
- The Newspaper Press
- The New Sporting Magazine
- Newton's London Journal
- The Nineteenth Century,/span> (IA)
- North British Review
- The Northern Star
- Notes and Queries (see links at ILEJ; (see links at IA))
- The Occult Magazine
- Once a Week
- The Original
- The Ornithologist
- Our Corner
- The Outlook
- The Pageant
- The Palace Journal
- The Pall Mall Budget
- The Pall Mall Magazine (IA)
- The Parisian Bell or the Paris and London Advertiser
- Passing Events at Home and Abroad (1873)
- Paxton's Flower Garden
- Paxton's Magazine of Botany, and Register of Flowering Plants
- Pearson's Magazine
- Pearson's Weekly: To Interest, To Elevate, To Amuse> (1890-1913)
- Pen and Pencil: An Illustrated Family Newspaper (1855)
- The Penny Illustrated Paper
- The Penny Magazine (1832-45)
- Penrose's Pictorial Annual
- The People
- The Philosophical Magazine
- Philosophical Transactions
- The Photographic Journal
- The Photographic News
- The Photographic Quarterly
- The Phrenological Journal and Miscellany
- The Phrenological Journal and Magazine of Moral Science (MDZ)
- The Pictorial Times
- The Players
- The Popular Science Review (1862-81)
- The Portfolio: An Artistic Periodical
- The Poultry Chronicle
- The Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine
- The Printers' Journal and Typographical Magazine
- The Printing Times and Lithographer
- Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences
- Proceedings of the Royal Society, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences
- Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
- The Prospective Review
- Provincial Medical Journal and Retrospect of the Medical Sciences
- Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal, 1844-52; JS, 1840-42
- The Publishers' Circular
- Punch
- Punch's Pocket Book
- The Puppet-Show
- The Quarterly Review
- The Queen's Messenger
- The Quiver (IA)
- The Ragged School Union Magazine
- The Railway Times (GB, 1839)
- The Rambler
- The Rambler's Magazine
- The Reader (1863-64)
- The Reader: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Literature (1902-08)
- The Reliquary
- Report of the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science
- The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics (1809, 1812-15; see IA 1816-34)
- The Retrospective Review
- Review of Reviews (see IA indiv numbers from Jan 1890)
- Reynold's Miscellany
- Routledge's Christmas Annual
- Routledge's Every Boy's Annual
- Royal Academy Pictures
- The Royal Magazine
- Royal Photographic Society Journal
- Royal United Service Journal
- St. James's Magazine
- Saint Paul's
- The Saturday Magazine, 1857-2013
- Saturday Review
- The Savoy (see Y90s)
- The Scots Observer (IA)
- The Scottish Annual
- The Scottish Art Review
- The Scottish Review
- Sharpe's London Magazine
- Shafts
- The Somerset House Gazette and literary museum
- South Place Magazine
- The Sphinx, A Journal of Humour and Criticism (1868-71)
- The Spectator
- The Spirit Lamp
- The Spiritual Herald
- The Spiritual Magazine
- The Spiritualist
- The Spiritualist Newspaper
- The Stationery Trade Review
- The Strand Magazine
- The Strand Musical Magazine
- The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art (1893-1907)
- The Sunday Magazine (1864-1906)
- The Tablet
- Tait's Edinburgh Magazine
- The Tatler (1830-32)
- Temple Bar
- The Theatre
- The Theatrical Inquisitor
- The Theatrical Observer (1821-1844)
- The Theatrical Times (1847)
- Time
- Tinsley's Magazine
- Tit-Bits
- Titan
- To-Day (British socialist monthly, 1883-1889)
- To-Day (British weekly magazine, 1893-1905)
- The Tomahawk: A Saturday Journal of Satire
- Town Talk
- Tracts for the Times (MDZ)
- The Tradesman (1808-1812)
- The Train (GB)
- Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
- Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of London
- Transactions of the Ethnologcal Society of London
- Transactions of the Linnean Society of London
- Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh
- Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science
- Transactions of the Philological Society
- Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
- Transactions of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce
- Transactions of the Zoological Society of London
- Truth
- Twice a Week: An Illustrated London Journal of Entertaining Literature and Useful Information (1862)
- The United Service Magazine
- The Universal Review
- University College London Calendars
- The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review
- Vanity Fair
- The Victoria Magazine
- Walford's Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographical Review
- The Welcome Guest
- The Welsh Review
- The Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine
- The Westminster Review
- The Windsor Magazine
- The Woman at Home
- The Woman's Signal (see also LSE collection)
- The Woman's World
- Women's Gazette and Weekly News (1888-89)
- The Women's Suffrage Journal
- The Year Book of Photography and Amateur's Guide
- The Year's Art
- The Yellow Book
- The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal
- The Yorkshire Spiritualist Telegraph

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Created 9 January 2023
Last modified (links updated) 5 March 2023