Matters of Dress: Crinolines

- Under the Mistletoe (a negative effect of crinolines)
- [How many chairs does she occupy? (crinolines)
- A sketch during the recent gale (crinolines)
- [Protection against muggers based on wife’s crinolines]
- Crinoline for Domestic Use
Matters of Dress: Long or Trailing Skirts

Matters of Dress: Mutton Chop Sleeves
- The Christmas Chignon
- “The Political Significance of the Chignon”
- Left-off Chignons for Sale (A Study in a Back Slum)
- What a Mistake!
- Next Hideous “Sensation Chignon”
Feathers & Quills
- The Peacock Train
- As Bird’s Feathers and Trains are all the go, Miss Swellington adopts one of Nature’s own Designs
- Coming to the Point
- A Young Lady on the High Classical School of Ornament (Castellani Classical Revival jewelry)
- The Chatelaine: A Really Useful Present
- How to make a Chatelaine a real blessing to Mothers
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Last modified 30 May 2020