Air-“Bow, Wow, Wow.”
OH, DIZZY is a clever chap,
There ne'er was known a cleverer;
Of Gordian knots and party-ties
The dashingest disseverer.
All BRIGHT's best cards and GLADSTONE’s
He’s baulked by over-trumping,
Ta’en the wind out of BEALES’s sails,
And shut up BRADLAUGH’s stumping.
Bow, wow, wow,
Fol de riddy, iddy, iddy,
Bow, wow, wow!
For True Blue Tories he’s made fact
Of CASTLEREAGH’s famed figure—
In turning their own backs upon
Themselves employed their vigour.
Has hoisted the “residuum”
A-top of England's Dukery;
Has made his party eat their words,
And swear they like his cookery.
Bow, wow, wow, &c.
Has turned poor Toryism’s head
Where its hind-quarters used to be:
And desperate young Destructives
Old Obstructives has induced to be:
At the pikes on St. Stephen’s road
Has doubled M.P.'s borough-fares,
And treated England’s ancient ways
As THWAITEs treats London thoroughfares,
Bow, wow, wow, &c.
He once accused SIR ROBERT PEEL
('Twas thought a good and gay thing)
Of stealing the Whigs’ clothes away,
The while their Lords were bathing:
But bettering the example, he
Now turns worse theft to glory—
The Radicals’ old clothes he steals,
And swears that they are Tory!
Bow, wow, wow, &c.
There 's many a man has turned his coat,
And then made bold to wear it,
Not as if callous against scorn
But as if paid to bear it:
But he’s the first who, with the blush
Of fellow turncoats burning,
Takes credit for himself and them
Their coats for never turning!
Bow, wow, wow, &c.
Related material
- Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield (homepage)
- Another Punch Satirical Poem from this Period in Disraeli’s career
- Disraeli’s Explanation of His Votes in Parliament on the Corn Laws, 1842
- Disraeli’s Speech on the Bill for the Repeal of the Corn Laws: 15 May 1846
- Disraeli’s Speech on the third Reform Bill, 15 July 1867
- Sambourne's Cartoon of Disraeli as Histrionic Organist
Last modified 1 June 2020