Sea-side Conference. Scene — a well-known watering-place. Punch (20 August 1859): 82.
Landlady. “The price of these Rooms, Mum, is three pun 10 a week, not one penny less. But stop, Mum, do I understand you to dine at home?.”
Lady. “Yes, certainly; I shall dine at home, with the Children, every day.”
Landlady. “Oh, in that case, Mum, I can let you have the Rooms for two pun fifteen a week, and charge you nuffin for kitchen firing, Mum.”
Image from Internet Archive. Text and formatting by George P. Landow [This image may be used without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose without prior permission as long as you credit this site and the Internet Archive.]
Last modified 12 March 2011