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Fishing and Fly-Tying
- How very kind
- Mr. Bill Pothunter having permission for “One day only” — determines to improve the occasion
- Fly-dressing in the holidays
- Thames Fishing
- Our friend Briggs contemplates a Day's Fishing
- Mr Briggs starts on his fishing expedition
- [Mr Briggs fishing in the rain]
- Minnow caught by Mr. Briggs; exact size of life
- Mr Briggs has another day's fishing
- The triumphant success of Mr. Briggs
- Mr. Briggs, anxious to become a “complete angler,” studies the “Gentle Art” of Fly-fishing
- The Pike is a Voracious fish, and bites very readily in the winter months
- Angling in the Serpentine — Saturday, P.M.
- Bottom Fishing
- An Enthusiastic Fisherman
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Other Topics
- Society and Manners
- The British Political Scene
- Life with the Upper Crust: the Country House
- Unlucky Speeches, Ill-Considered Utterances, and Things One Could Wish to Have Expressed Otherwise
- Images of Women
- Children
- The Arts and Culture
- Church and University
- Urban Life
- Fads and Fashions
- British Xenophobia, Anti-Semitism, and the Like
Last modified 20 February 2011