This advertisement from Joseph Warden and Sons, which ran in a number of the newspaper’s weekly issues, displays the wide range of iron products the company manufactured that range from small items, such as nuts and bolts, to large fully assembled ones like the freight crane seen at upper left and the four-wheeled crane right. It also manufactured scales, jacks for lifting heavy weight, anvils, vices, wheels, and sections of fencing. Smaller tools and devices include railway spikes, pulleys and other parts of block and tackle equipment for lifting heavy materials, shovels, picks and pickaxes, and even blacksmith’s anvils and bellows. The Warden factory in Birmingham must have been enormous.— George P. Landow
Related material: Advertisements from other Birmingham firms
- Stroudley’s Patent Wrought Iron Ramps for Re-Railing Rolling Stock
- Phoenix Patent Bolt and Nut Company
- Phoenix Bolt and Nut Company’s new factory in Handsworth (1873)
Railway Times. 32 (1869): 219. Hathi Trust online version of a copy in the University of Michigan Library. Web. 4 September 2018.
Last modified 3 September 2018