Philosophy complains that Custom has hoodwinked us, from the first; that we do everything by Custom, even Believe by it; that our very Axioms, let us boast of Free-thinking as we may, are often simply such Beliefs as we have never heard questioned. Nay, what is Philosophy throughout but a continual battle with Custom; an ever-renewed effort to transcend the sphere of blind Custom, and so become Transcendental? — Thomas Carlyle, Sartor Resartus

- Main Currents in Victorian Intellectual History — Some Handy Oversimplifications
- Bentham and Coleridge: Seminal Minds
- Timeline of English Philosophy and Religion
- Suzanne K. Langer on the origins of Philosophy
- Physics, Sense Perception and “the Real World
- The Origins of European Philosophy
- Pagan Philosophy and the Rise of Christian thought
- Empiricism
- John Locke
- John Locke's Neoclassical Program for Philosophy
- Locke on personal identity
- Patriarchal Theory: Locke's refutation of Robert Filmer's Patriarcha
- Harriet Martineau's Necessarianism
Religious and Moral Philosophy
- Comteian Positivism
- "'Altruism' Makes a Space for Empathy, 1852"
- Emotionalist Moral Philosophy
- Epicurus (342-270 B.C.E.) and Victorian Aestheticism
- David Hartley
- George Berkeley's New Theory of Vision
- Adam Smith, Dugald Stewart, and Thomas Reid and Emotionalist Moral Theory
- A Dugald Stewart Biography (1830)
- Aristotle on happiness
- God and the English Utilitarians
- Wallace and Darwin on the Evolutionary Origins of Morality
- Evolution as a Guide to Conduct
- “So it is with ourselves” — Darwin, evolution, and moral philosophy
- Darwinian way of seeing is deeply ethical (Levine)
- Schopenhauer on the Will as "the Thing-in-Itself"
- Schopenhauer on "the aesthetical mode of contemplation"
Political and Economic Philosophies
- Utilitarianism (1)
- Utilitarianism (2)
- Utilitarianism as Part of the English Moral Philosophical Tradition
- Jeremy Bentham (introduction)
- Jeremy Bentham
- Bentham's Method
- John Stuart Mill
- Herbert Spencer
- Herbert Spencer and Social Darwinism
- Thomas Robert Malthus
- David Ricardo
- Adam Smith
- Karl Marx
- Joseph Addison on Greatness
- Edmund Burke's gendered theory of the sublime
- Eneas Sweetland Dallas
- John Dennis introduces Longinian terminology to the sublime
- Thomas Burnet's Sacred Theory of the Earth
- The Sublime (sitemap)
- John Ruskin and Nineteenth-Century Theories of Beauty
- The Picturesque
- History of associationist literary theory
- Signs and Symbols
- "Defending Beauty": A Review of The Question of the Aesthetic, edited by George Levine (review by Tony Schwab)
Last modified 27 July 2024