Cholera, medicine, and the arrival of Germ Theory

- Cholera in Victorian England: an Introduction
- Life in the time of cholera: how the Victorians dealt with epidemics
- Cholera and the Komma Bacillus of Koch
- Articles from The Graphic on the 1884 Cholera Epidemic
- John Snow and Waterborne Diseases
- Chadwick's Report on Sanitary Conditions
- Bibliography for Cholera, 1825-1917
Cholera in the United Kingdom and the Colonies
- "The New and Fatal Disease" — Thomas Arnold and the 1832 Cholera
- "Cholera in England and America 1855" (see especially the last two paragraphs)
- A melancholy monument to the ravages of disease in British India
Book Reviews
Related material
- Bacteriology, c.1810-c.1917: A Chronology of a Victorian Medical Advances
- Kingsley, Millar, Chadwick on Poverty and Epidemics
Last modified 21 December 2022