
Brown, a sculptor of classical and religious subjects and portraits, was born 27 April 1874 at Stoke-on-Trent. He studied at the Hanley School of Art c. 1889-90, with R. Ledward and Sir Alfred Gilbert c. 1890-91, at the R.C.A. under Edouard Lantéri c. 1891-96 and at the Royal Academy Schools for five years from 1896, winning a number of awards and medals, after which he studied in Italy and Greece for eight months. Brown, who worked with Sir Hamo Thornycroft for a number of years, exhibited at the R.A. 1901-16. Member of the R.B.S. 1906-27. — information from Tate Online.
Chamot, Mary, Dennis Farr and Martin Butlin. The Modern British Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, London 1964, I.
Last modified 5 June 2011