According to the very brief entry on Daymond on the Mapping Sculpture site, this stonemason, architectural sculptor, and stone carver was “born in St. Pancras . . . the second of three generations of stone masons who operated as a business near Vincent Square in London.” He may have carved a A Vase of Flowers the firm exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 1851.

- Architectural sculpture for 80 Fetter Lane
- Memorial commemorating the visit of Queen Victoria to the City in 1900
- John Milton flanked” by Classics and Poetry on the left and History and Ancient History on the right
- Isaac Newton with Chemistry and Mechanics
- Shakespeare flanked” by Classics and Poetry on his left and” by Drawing and Music on the right.
- Sir Thomas More with Elocution and Law
- Francis Bacon with Geometry and Mathematics
- Pegasus
- Gold Smelters
- Carving on the Grosvenor Hotel, London
- 86, St. James Street, London (former Thatched House Club)
Related Material
- Advertsement in Academy Architecture and Architectural Review (I)
- Advertsement in Academy Architecture and Architectural Review (II)
“John Daymond II.” Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland 1851-1951. University of Glasgow History of Art and HATII, online database 2011. Web. 3 December 2011.
Last modified 16 May 2013