The History of Hygiene. Conrad Dressler (1856-1940) and Medmenham Pottery. Bas reliefs on Sunlight House, Dublin. 1902. [Click on these images to enlarge them.]

Early tilling the land before the invention of the plough and fruit from trees.

Washing, folding, and storing clothing.

Left: Bathing. Right: Rondel with portrait of the artist’s wife, Nita Maria Schonfeld Resch.

Farming and Fishing.

Left: Transport of food (wheat?)” by horse and cart (above) and Creating wine (below). Right: Rondel with portrait of the artist’s wife, Nita Maria Schonfeld Resch.

Right: Rondel with portrait of the artist’s wife, Nita Maria Schonfeld Resch.

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Photographs and captions by Robert Freidus; formatting and perspective correction by George P. Landow.
Last modified 21 October 2017