Francis Derwent Wood, R.A. (1871-1926)
Before 1905
Source: The Studio (1905): 300
“There is one group of works — the four niche figures for Shipley Hall, and the bronze fountain for Wixton Hall — which has certain interesting and well marked characteristics that suggest significantly his tendencies as a decorator. It is possible, of course, that these figures represent but a passing phase of his art, and that the style chosen for them is not necessarily one to which Mr. Derwent Wood proposes to adhere, but they are not on that account less deserving of attention. They reveal the closest study of French decorative sculpture at its most suave and elegant period, and they are inspired obviously” by the performances of those artists who brought into their work in bronze or marble the same spirit which made fascinating the pictures of Boucher and his contemporaries.” — W. K. West
Text and image correction by George P. Landow