Frank Lynn Jenkins's monument for Thomas Joseph Tate (1832-1909) is in the St. Marylebone Cemetery and Crematorium, East End Road, London N3. Bronze Signed: F. Lynn Jenkins. This work bore the title The Call of Infinite when a photograph of it appeared in the 1910 Academy Architecture and Sculpture. Photographs by the author.

Beattie, Susan. The New Sculpture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983.
“Frank Lynn Jenkins.” Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland 1851-1951. University of Glasgow History of Art and HATII, online database 2011. 30 Apr 2011.
Meller, Hugh & Brian Parsons. London Cemeteries. Fourth Edition; Amersham: Avebury Publishing Company, 2008.
Last modified 8 May 2011