
McGill, a Sculptor, medallist, artist was born in Maybole, Ayreshire, and was active 1899-1924. At the turn of the century, when McGill was still just establishing himself, Marion Spielmann wrote:
Mr McGill, a South Kensington student, is a young artist who has made some reputation among sculptors and among a circle of art lovers by the charming quality of his work. He had had experience in Paris prior to entering the Academy schools (before the 23-years' limit), with skill already formed. His Ione Removing the Body of St. Sebastian after his Martyrdom was his winning group at the Academy in 1894; the suggestion that the Saint is still miraculously living is cleverly shown by the lack of dead weight in the martyr as he is borne along. Mr. McGill for some while appeared to be a disciple of Harry Bates, as may be seen in his charming circular relief of Hero and Leander (1892). Of Mr. McGill's figures the best is perhaps The Bather, which sufficiently proclaims his ability. Charming in drawing, refined in feeling, and careful iLeandern modelling, Mr. McGill's work can only be charged with an occasional want of force and effect, and perhaps with following the Donatello school somewhat too closely. His treatment of the figure is fearless; his style is good, and his future performance should justify its promise. [Spielmann 147-48]
- Medallion for the Society of British Sculptors
- Sir Wilfrid Lawson
- The Victor
- Science and Education (Cardiff City Hall)
- Ione Removing the Body of St. Sebastian after his Martyrdom
- St. Peter’s College Westminster Medal for Modern Languages.
Works (no images on this site)
- Hero and Leander (1892)
- The Bather
Byron, Arthur. London Statues. London: Constable, 1921.
“David McGill.” Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland 1851-1951, University of Glasgow History of Art and HATII, online database 2011. 17 April 2011]
Spielmann, Marion Harry. British Sculpture and Sculptors of Today. London: Cassell, 1901. Internet Archive. Web. 21 December 2011.
Last modified 16 November 2016