“Artists by Name.” Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland 1851-1951. University of Glasgow History of Art and HATII, online database 2011. Contains much detailed information about individual sculptor's professional affiliations, places of work, exhibitions, and works; often incomplete but continually growing; no images.
"Biographies of British Artists." LARA. (London Atelier of Representational Art, ed. Mark Quinlan). Useful but does not provide sources of its information.
British History Online. Often worth doing a search here, because the entries are from various sources and often include details of monuments, architectural sculpture etc. Some buildings are illustrated.
British Listed Buildings. Chiefly concerns architecture but provides some information about architectural sculpture; has photos.
Modern British Sculpture (1920), a Country Life book, in the Internet Archive. Illustrated contemporary account, which even has the sculptors' current addresses in the index.
Public Monument and Sculpture Association National Recording Project. Hosted by King's College London.
Sculpture on Bob Speel's website. Pioneering, valuable website created by one person; contains photographs and much information; primitive web design.
Spielmann, M. H. British Sculpture and Sculptors of Today (1901), in the Internet Archive. Fascinating and well illustrated account of sculpture at the end of the Victorian period, showing contemporary reputations, attitudes etc.
"Category: Sculptors" Your Archives. National Archives Site; not a long list, but helpful on those represented (illustrated).

Last modified 11 August 2011