Sculptural Works

- The Morning of Life
- Christ Blessing the Little Children
- Melody
- Mother and Child
- May Day Symphony
- Panel in the Children's Corner, St. Margaret's Church, Leiston, Suffolk
- Guiding Angel
- Monument to Alfred Aldrich Bates (d. 1904)
- Laborare est orare
- Children bringing Lilies to the Holy Child
- The Kingdom of the Child
- Henry John Rope Triptych
- Unto babes
- Visit of the Magi
- Mother and Children
- Dancing Panel
Related Material
Decorative arts and stained glass
- Stained glass on the porch, St. Margaret's Church, Leiston, Suffolk
- Letterbox
- Mother and Child (designed for Della Robbia Pottery)
Beattie, Susan. The New Sculpture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983.
"Arts and Crafts." Studio. 18 (1899): 270.
Last modified 12 February 2021