Figure on a Drinking Fountain
George Edward Wade (1853-1933)
Bronze, on a high rocky base including water pipes and a low-level basin
Victoria Embankment Gardens, London SW1
The sculpture crowns a drinking fountain, while, touchingly, the girl is offering a bowl of her own, sometimes described as a birdbath. It is charming piece. The child's neatly pulled back hair, her lowered gaze and her serious facial expression, and her neatly fastened bodice are all beautifully executed, and there is a fluidity in her stance and hands that chimes with the New Sculpture of the time. The statue has had to be replaced since vandals sawed it off at the feet in 1970; its replacement is surely a tribute to the sculptor as well as to Lady Somerset herself.
Photograph and text by Jacqueline Banerjee 2010.