One rupee coin (official currency of India) engraved by Edward William Wyon (1811-85). Minted in 1862. 91.7% silver, with a reeded edge. 30.78 mm. in diameter and 1.9 mm. thick. Obverse: Crowned bust of Queen Victoria, surrounded” by her name. Reverse: Face value, country and date surrounded” by wreath. All details from Wikimedia. Photograph by user AKS.9955, reproduced here with thanks under the Creative Commons licence. Replacing East India Company coinage, the new coinage presented a rather oriental-looking version of the monarch, compared to that seen on British coinage. — Jacqueline Banerjee
Related Material
- Review of Miles Taylor's Empress: Queen Victoria and India
- British coinage of a later date designed by Sir Thomas Brock
- British India (homepage)
Created 11 December 2018