Extended Discussions by Gertrude Jekyll (1904)
- "From Hand Labour to Machine Work in agriculture"
- "Harvesting Corn"
- "Dibbles, Flails, and Wooden Ploughs"
Manual Tools and small hand-operated machines
- Reaping-Hooks and Fag-Hook
- Dibbling iron
- Flail (Threshing Tool) and Cowbell
- Flail (detail)
- Deane, Dray, and Dean's Domestic Flour Mill
Larger machines and tools requiring animal power
- Crosskill's Universal Mill
- Threshing Machine
- Crosskill's Root Washer
- Wooden Plough
- Plough with wheels
- Ploughing a field (drawing)
- Ploughing a field and sowing seed (photograph)
Food from the factory
- The invention of canning and its effect on what Victorians ate
- Bad Canning: Using Lead to Seal the Franklin Arctic Expedition’s Food
- The biscuit — from a sailor’s dry bread to delicate pastry at tea
- Why did British food decline, and when did it happen?

"Agricultural Labourers." The Cornhill Magazine, Vol. 29 (1874): 686-697]
Gideon, Sigfried. Mechanization Takes Command: A Contribution to Anonymous History. New York: Norton, 1969.
Jekyll, Gertrude Old West Surrey: Some Notes and Memories. London: Longmans, Green, & Co, 1904.
Last modified 29 March 2022