Introductory material

Contextual material
- Cloth binding for Stories by Hans Christian Andersen
- Cloth binding for Good King Wenseslas
- ‘Page and monarch forth they went’
- ‘Bring me flesh and bring me wine’
- Pictorial title-page, A Book of Fairy Tales
- ‘When a Poor Man Came in Sight’, A Book of Pictured Carols
- ‘Brightly Shone the Moon That Night’, Good King Wenceslas
- ‘The Wild Swans’, Andersen's Stories and Fairy Tales
- ‘The Rose Elf’, Andersen's Stories and Fairy Tales
Andersen, Hans Christian. Stories and Fairytales. 2 Vols. London: George Allen, 1893.
A Book of Pictured Carols Designed by Members of the Birmingham Art School. London: George Allen, 1893.
Book of Fairy Tales, A. Re-told by S. Baring Gould. Illustrations and binding by Arthur Gaskin. London: Methuen, 1894.
Good King Wenceslas: A Carol Written by Dr Neale and Pictured by Arthur J Gaskin with an Introduction by William Morris. Birmingham: Cornish Brs. 1895.
Peterson, William S. The Kelmscott Press: A History of William Morris’s Typographical Adventure. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.
Last modified 5 August 2020