One of the most noteworthy nineteenth-century illustrators to produce an extensive narrative-pictorial series for the 1768 novella, French artist and engraver Antoine Johannot (otherwise known as Tony Johannot, 1803-52), had already worked for British publishers when he undertook A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy for Willoughby in 1857. Although his work on Ainsworth's Windsor Castle did not equal the work of Cruikshank on that same 1844 novel, one cannot help but admire his painterly style in such illustrations as The Meeting of Henry the Eighth and Anne Boleyn (August 1842).
Johannot was descended from French Hugenots who had settled in Offenbach am Main after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Johannot was a painter turned lithographer, having learned the art of engraving from his brothers Alfred and Charles. He collaborated with Alfred on the illustrations for the novels of James Fenimore Cooper and Sir Walter Scott. Although he initially preferred wood engraving, in the mid-1840s he resumed etching. He may have come to Ainsworth's attention through his book illustrations or through his exhibiting historical canvasses at the Paris Salon from 1831 onward.
Johannot's 1857 Illustrations: A Selection, including all * eight full-page plates
- *Frontispiece: facing title-page: "Sterne" and the characters of his imagination
- Untitled: Quayside at Calais
- Ornamental letters "P" and "T"
- Untitled, Portrait of Eliza, surmounted by Cupid
- Untitled, Portrait of the Franciscan
- Untitled, The Désobligeant. "Calais."
- Untitled: The Scribbled Preface. "In the The Désobligeant."
- Untitled: Sancho Panza and Don Quixote
- Untitled: Headpiece for "The Remise. Calais"
- Untitled: Tailpiece for "Calais" (The Lion Fountain)
- *Sterne and the Monk — the Snuff-box"
- Untitled Headpiece for "The Remise Door, Calais": Yorick and the Lady
- Untitled Headpiece for "In the Street, Calais," snakes and arrows
- *The French Captain and the Lady
- Untitled: Headpiece for "The Remise. Calais"
- Untitled: Tailpiece for "In the Street," medallions of Mundungus and Smelfungus
- Untitled: Tailpiece for "Montreuil," book and quill
- Untitled: Headpiece for "Montreuil," violin and drum
- Untitled: Headpiece for "Montreuil."
- Untitled: Headpiece for "A Fragment."
- *Nampont — The Dead Ass
- *La Fleur and Madame de L—. — The Letter
- A view of 18th c. Paris (uncaptioned), "Paris."
- A view of 18th c. Paris (uncaptioned), "Paris."
- Yorick and the Pulse (uncaptioned), "The Gloves. Paris."
- *The Abbe and the Grisettes — The Opera
- The Bastile, uncaptioned, for "The Captive. Paris."
- The Opera, uncaptioned, for "The Passport. Paris."
- *The Poor Chevalier of St. Louis
- *The Marquis D'E—. — The Sword
- *The Fille-de-Chambre
- A Case of Conscience (uncaptioned), "Paris"
- *Maria of Moulines
- The Supper
- *The Country Dance
- The Country Dance (uncaptioned tailpiece)

Illustrations by Jacque and Fussell: A Selection (1841)
- Frontispiece: Maria
- Title-page vignette: Yorick and the Grisette, "Paris."
- Portrait of Sterne. (uncaptioned)
- Yorick, packing. (uncaptioned)
- Calais (uncaptioned)
- The Monk. (uncaptioned)
- Yorick and The Monk. (uncaptioned)
- The Désobligeant. (uncaptioned)
- The Monk and the Lady. (uncaptioned)
- The Preface, "In the Désobligeant." (uncaptioned)
- Various kinds of Travellers. (uncaptioned)
- An Englishman does not travel to see Englishmen.
- Monsieur Dessein. (uncaptioned)
- The Lady and Yorick, "In the Street. Calais." (uncaptioned)
- Yorick, The Monk and the Lady. (uncaptioned)
- The Monk's horn snuff-box. (uncaptioned)
- Yorick at the grave of Father Lorenzo, Calais. (uncaptioned)
- Monsieur Dessein, "The Remise." (uncaptioned)
- Yorick and the Lady in the Remise. (uncaptioned)
- The mourner and the ass's bridle, "Nampont, The Dead Ass." (uncaptioned)
- The owner separated from his ass in the Pyrenees, "Nampont, The Dead Ass." (uncaptioned)
- Yorick and the Captain at the Opera, Paris. "The Translation." (uncaptioned)
- The master of the hotel, "The Passport." (uncaptioned)
- A Bastille Prisoner in "The Captive. Paris." (uncaptioned)
- Yorick encounters the Starling, "The Passport. The Hotel at Pariss." (uncaptioned)
- The Starling, "The Starling. The Road to Versailles." (uncaptioned)
- The Sterne Coat-of-Arms, "The Starling. The Road to Versailles." (uncaptioned)
- The Poor Chevalier de St. Louis, "Le Patissier." (uncaptioned)
- "Le Patissier." (uncaptioned)
- The Marquess d' E—, "The Sword. Rennes." (uncaptioned)
- The Marquess d' E—, "The Sword. Rennes." (uncaptioned tailpiece)
- The Mysterious Stranger, "The Mystery. Paris." (uncaptioned)
- La Fleur and his new clothes, "Le Dimanche. Paris." (uncaptioned)
- The beggar and the sisters in Paris, "The Act of Charity." (uncaptioned)
- Yorick's bidding farewell to Paris. (uncaptioned)
- Maria. Moulines (uncaptioned)
- "The Supper." (uncaptioned)
- "The Grace." (uncaptioned, the country dance)
- "The End" (Maria). (uncaptioned)

- Final page of the second volume of the third edition of 1768 (Page 208)
Related material:
- Illustrated Editions of Laurence Sterne's Sentimental Journey (1768)
- Detail of the Abdera fragment [1768 edition], Vol. I, pp. 106-7
- Title-pages, Vol. 1 [1768 edition]
- Title-pages, Vol. 2 [1768 edition]
Johannot's Steel-engravings for Ainsworth's Windsor Castle, 1842-43
- Illustrated Title-page
- The Meeting of Henry the Eighth and Anne Boleyn
- The Banquet in Saint George's Hall
- The Meeting in the Cloisters of Saint George's Chapel
- The Royal Chase in Windsor Forrest
Ainsworth, William Harrison. Windsor Castle. An Historical Romance. Illustrated by George Cruikshank and Tony Johannot. With designs on wood by W. Alfred Delamotte. London: Routledge, 1880. Based on the Henry Colburn edition of 1844.
Ainsworth, William Harrison. Windsor Castle. An Historical Romance. Illustrated by George Cruikshank and Tony Johannot. With designs on wood by W. Alfred Delamotte. London: Methuen, 1903. Based on the Henry Colburn edition of 1844.
Sterne, Laurence. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. Illustrated with one hundred engravings on wood, by Bastin and G. Nichols, from original designs by Jacque and Fussell. London: Joseph Thomas, 1841.
Sterne, Laurence. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. With 100 illustrations by Tony Johannot. London: Willoughby, 1857.
Last modified 12 October 2018