Biographical Materials
- Titles of his Fiction, Nonfiction, and Verse
- Jack Sheppard. A Romance - an Introduction
- Rookwood, A Romance (1834, 1836)
- Windsor Castle
Literary Relations: Sources, Influences, Confluences, Reception, & Reputation
- Compared unfavorably to Anne Radcliffe by Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (1890)
- [1864 review of] Ainsworth’s John Law the Projector
- Victorian authors
- Historical Fiction in Victorian Britain
Cultural Contexts

Social and Political Contexts
- Guy Fawkes (1841) and Victorian theories of social action
- The Unconsummated Marriage and “Uncommitted” Gunpowder Plot in Ainsworth's Guy Fawkes
- Ainsworth's Guy Fawkes and The Test Act
- Political History (sitemap)
- Social History (sitemap)
- Cruikshank's illustrations for Windsor Castle
- Delamotte's illustrations for Windsor Castle
- Cruikshank's illustrations for Rookwood
- Cruikshank's illustrations for Jack Sheppard
- Cruikshank's illustrations for The Tower of London
- Cruikshank's illustrations for Guy Fawkes
- Franklin's illustrations for Old Saint Paul's
Carver, Stephen. The Life and Works of the Lancashire Novelist William Harrison Ainsworth, 1805–1882. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2003.
Ellis, S. M. William Harrison Ainsworth and His Friends. Vol. II. London: Garland Publishing, 1979.
Vanden Bossche, Chris. Reform Acts: Chartism, Social Agency, and the Victorian Novel, 1832-1867. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2014. [Review by Andrzej Diniejko].
Worth, George J. William Harrison Ainsworth. New York: Twayne, 1972.
Available texts
Last modified 21 September 2023