Twenty-one Illustrations for Great Expectations (1885)
These illustrations, reproduced courtesy of the Dickens Museum, London, are extracted from the Robson & Kerslake edition published at 23 Coventry Street, Haymarket, London, in 1885, and the Franklin Library edition containing Pailthorpe's seventeen hand-tinted engravings (1979).

- 1. Title-page vignette, Pip leaves the Village [Pip at the village finger-post] (Ch. XIX)
- 2. The Terrible Stranger in the Churchyard (Ch. I)
- 3. Mrs. Joe returning from an expedition (Ch. VII)
- 4. A Stranger at the Jolly Bargeman [Jaggers introduced] (Ch. X)
- 5. I present Joe to Miss Havisham (Ch. XIII)
- 6. Ill Used [Biddy and Pip on the Marshes] (Ch. XVII)
- 7. "And may I — May I —?" [Pumblechook congratulates Pip on his good fortune] (Ch. XIX)
- 8. Mr. Jaggers and his Clients (Ch. XX)
- 9. The Guileless Confectioner (Ch. XX)
- 10. Aged P (Ch. XXV)
- 11. Trabb's boy (Ch. XXX)
- 12. The Flaying of Hamlet (Ch. XXXI)
- 13. "Now, Aged Parent, tip us the Paper" (Ch. XXXVII)
- 14. On the Stairs [The return of Magwitch] (Ch. XXXIX)
- 15. — Shoulder to Shoulder [Pip and Drummle] (Ch. XLIII)
- 16. "Here's old Bill Barley, bless your eyes." (Ch. XLVI)
- 17. Confidential with Mr. Jaggers (Ch. LI)
- 18. Old Orlick means murder (Ch. LIII)
- 19. — Boundless Confidence (Ch. LIV)
- 20. The Arrest (Ch. LVII)
- 21. The old place by the Kitchen firelight (Ch. LIX)

Other Artists’ Illustrations for Dickens's Great Expectations

- Edward Ardizzone (2 plates selected)
- H. M. Brock (8 lithographs)
- J. Clayton Clarke ("Kyd") (2 lithographs from watercolours)
- Felix O. C. Darley (2 plates)
- Sol Eytinge, Jr. (8 wood engravings)
- Marcus Stone (8 wood engravings)
- John McLenan (40 wood engravings)
- F. A. Fraser (30 wood-engravings)
- Harry Furniss (28 plates)
- Charles Green (10 lithographs)
Twenty-one Illustrations for Oliver Twist (1886)
These illustrations Oliver Twist, reproduced courtesy of the Calinescu Collection, Toronto, come from the Robson and Kerslake edition published at 23 Coventry Street, Haymarket, London, in 1886. The twenty-one coloured illustrations are keyed to the pagination in the 1838 three-volume edition (London: Richard Bentley). These illustrations constitute one of fifty coloured sets issued; this set, no. 118.

- 1. Title-page vignette: Oliver is taken to the workhouse
- 2. "Goodness gracious! is that you, Mr. Bumble, Sir?"
- 3. "Did you want a coffin, Sir?"
- 4. Noah running for Mr. Bumble
- 5. "Good bye, dear! God bless you!"
- 6. "Hullo! my covey, what's the row?"
- 7. The merry old Gentleman's pretty little game
- 8. Return of the boys without Oliver
- 9. "Look here! do you see this?"
- 10. The horse whose health had been drunk
- 11. Inexplicable conduct of Mr. Bumble when Mrs. Corney left the room
- 12. The Free and Easy
- 13. "Master O-li-ver"
- 14. Bumble Triumphant
- 15. Mr. Crackit's "Goodnatur'"
- 16. "Has it long gone the half-hour?"
- 17. A foul deed
- 18. The antic fellow and Sikes
- 19. One of the inconveniences of having long legs
- 29. "Don't come near me, you monster!"
- 21. Mr. Claypole earning a genteel subsistence
- 22. Index to the Richard Bentley triple-decker, 1838

Other illustrators of Oliver Twist

- J. Clayton Clarke — "Kyd" 20 plates)
- Felix O. C. Darley (4 plates)
- James Mahoney (28 wood-engravings)
- Harry Furniss (34 plates)
- Sol Eytinge, Junior (12 wood-engravings)
- George Cruikshank (26 plates)
Dickens, Charles. The Adventures of Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy's Progress. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. London: Richard Bentley, 1838. 3 vols.
_____. Great Expectations. Illustrated by Frederic W. Pailthorpe with 17 hand-tinted water-colour engravings reproduced as lithographs. The Franklin Library. Franklin Center, Pennsylvania: 1979. Based on the Robson and Kerslake (London) edition, 1885.
______. Great Expectations. Volume 19 of the Edition de Grande Luxe. Ed. Richard Garnett. London: Merrill and Baker, 1900.
Created 9 February 2015 Last modified 30 October 2021