[In attributing individual illustrations, I first assumed that only those with William Bell Scott's Pre-Raphaelite-style monogram or initials were his and those without them were by David Scott. However, A. L. Simpson, the editor of this volume, states that David did the first part and his brother the second part (about Christina) after his brother's death. It appears that either the brothers shared the first part or that William Bell Scott, who did all of the illustrations for the second, added a few to the first, so I have attributed all about Christiana to — George P. Landow.]
David Scott
- Christian's distress upon reading the Book
- Evangelist shows Christian the way
- Obstinate tries to persuade Christian and Pliable to return
- Christian reaches the Cross
- Christian passes Simple, Sloth, and Presumption
- Christian climbs the Hill Difficulty
- Christian passes the lions
- Christian is welcomed by Discretion and her sisters
- Christian instructed in the Palace Beautiful
- Christian, equipped, goes on his way
- At sunrise Christian looks back on the Valley
- Christian and Faithful beaten at Vanity Fair
- The martyrdom of Faithful
- Giant Despair finds them asleep
- The by-way to Hell
- Atheist tries to persuade them to go no further
- Christiana prepares to go

William Bell Scott
- The fight with Apollyon
- Faithfull tempted by Wanton
- They are made a derision at Vanity Fair
- They journey by the Water of Life
- They are locked up by the Giant
- They ascend to the New Jersusalem
- They ascend the Hill Difficulty
- Christiana prepares to go
- Mercy left without the gate
- They are entertained by the Interpreter
- Prudence catechises the boys
- Mr. Brisk's courtship ended
- They visit the spot where Christian fought Apollyon
- Great-heart rescues Mr. Feeble-mind from Giant Slay-good
- They vanquish Giant Despair
- They triumph over Giant Despair
- The Queen of the Enchanted Ground
- Christian and Christiana are reunited
Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim's Progress. London, Edinburgh, and New York: Thomas Nelson and sons, 1887.
Last modified 30 March 2014