Examples of Hardman & Co.'s Metalwork (to Pugin's designs)

- Salt Cellar
- Door Furniture for the Houses of Parliament
- Bread Plate
- Floriated Ornament
- Candlesticks
- Silver Dish
- Chalice
- Angel Lectern in St Paul's Parish Church, Brighton (designed by John Hardman Powell)
- Wrought-Iron Gates to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, St George's Roman Catholic Cathedral, Lambeth (second row of images)
- Metalwork in the interior of St Giles', Cheadle
- Wrought-Iron Gates to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Our Ladye Star of the Sea, Greenwich (first section)
- Ironwork on a Gothic Revival desk
- Hinges for the Palace of Westminster
- Pascal Candlestick
- Door Grills for the Palace of Westminster
- Incense Boat
- Corona (candelabrum)
- Gothic-style Metal Stove (attributed)
Examples of Hardman & Co.'s Stained Glass (to Pugin's designs)
- Window depicting St George and St Alban at St George's Roman Catholic Cathedral, Southwark (penultimate row of images)
- The east window at St Peter the Apostle, Woolwich
- The west window of St Paul's Parish Church, Brighton
- South aisle window in St Paul's Parish Church, Brighton
- The Glassworkers' Window at St Chad's, Birmingham, with some input from Pugin: see "Pugin's Stained Glass"
- West window, St Marie's Cathedral Church (RC), Sheffield

Examples of Hardman & Co.'s Stained Glass (to Powell's designs, and later)
- The Flanagan Window, St Chad's Roman Catholic Cathedral, Birmingham
- World War I Memorial Window (dedicated 1921), St Chad's Roman Catholic Cathedral, Birmingham
- Spode Memorial Window, Lichfield Cathedral
- Nativity Window, Holy Trinity, Llandudno
- Coming of the Magi, Holy Trinity, Llandudno
- Christ in the Carpenter's Shop; Christ and the Doctors, St Matthias Church, Richmond
- Presentation in the Temple; Flight into Egypt, St Matthias Church, Richmond
- Nativity; Adoration of the Magi, St Matthias Church, Richmond
- Jesus Preaching; Suffer the Little Children; Raising Jairus's Daughter, St Matthew's Church, Ashford, Surrey
- St Matthew and St Luke, St Matthew's Church, Ashford, Surrey
- The Presentation in the Temple, St Matthew's Church, Ashford, Surrey
- Jesus and John at the Last Supper; John Taking the Virgin Mary to His Home, St Matthew's Church, Ashford, Surrey
- Patterned and symbolic transept windows in St Mildred's, Whippingham, Isle of Wight
- West Window (The Last Judgement), Inverness Cathedral
- Annunciation; Visitation, Inverness Cathedral
- Shepherds in the Fields; the Presentation, Inverness Cathedral
- The Three Magi; the Flight into Egypt, Inverness Cathedral
- Jesus among the Doctors; Jesus in the Carpenter's Shop, Inverness Cathedral
- The Good Samaritan; Healing the Lame, Inverness Cathedral
- Feeding the Five Thousand; Raising Jairus's Daughter, Inverness Cathedral
- "Blessed are the Pure in Heart"; "For They Shall See God", Inverness Cathedral
- The Raising of Lazarus; Palm Sunday, Inverness Cathedral
- Feeding the Five Thousand, Inverness Cathedral
- The Ascension, Inverness Cathedral
- Baptistry window, Inverness Cathedral
- Christ in Glory, Lancaster (RC) Cathedral
- West window (Tree of Jesse), Motherwell (RC) Cathedral
- West window (Crucifixion and Last Judgement), St Michael and All Angels, Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire
Last modified 4 October 2017