South-West Window ("Feed my sheep")
Christopher Whall
St Martin's Church, Low Marple
Christopher Whall's window "shows Jesus's charge to St Peter, 'Keep My Sheep'" ("History and Heritage"). St Peter is kneeling beside the Sea of Galilee, with a crowded boat in the background, and the Latin texts at the bottom read: "Si diligis me, pasce oves meas" (if thou lovest me, feed my sheep," from the Holy Mass, reminding us that this was built as an Anglo-Catholic church, and also of how Jesus had first met Peter and his brother Andrew on the shore, as fishermen. This vibrant window, with delicate flowers in the lower parts, is more in Whall's mature style than the west window itself.
[Click on the image to enlarge it.]
Photograph and caption material by Michael Critchlow, text and formatting by Jacqueline Banerjee.