- Aesthetic Pre-Raphaelitism
- Morris own painting (materials needed)
- Exploring Pre-Raphaelitism at the Edges of Reality: Fantasy in The Water of the Wondrous Isles
- Edward Burne-Jones
- Pre-Raphaelite Approaches to Ut Pictura Poesis: Sister Arts or Sibling Rivalry? (Morris and Burne-Jones)
- Catherine Arscott's William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones: Interlacings [review]
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti
- John Ruskin
Painting and drawing
- Morris's drawings
- Paintings by Morris (needed)
Design — Furniture, Textiles, Books

- Morris & Company
- Morris and the Kelmscott Press
- Textiles and Textile Design by William Morris and Morris & Co.
- Stained Glass by William Morris
- The Arts and Crafts Movement
- "Anarchy & Beauty: William Morris and his Legacy, 1860-1960," An Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, London [review]
Older Traditions
- Morris's Mediaevalism
- Northern Renaissance Painting (materials needed)
- Gothic Architecture
- Traditional Crafts (materials needed)
Morris as a subject of the arts
- Sculpture
- Photographs
Outside the Victorian Web
- The William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow. Web. 11 October 2012.
- Society for the Protection of Ancient Building — founded by WM in 1877
- Morris designs still in production.
- William Morris and His Circle , an exhibition at Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin
Last modified 15 December 2014