5.1 Context32: A Web of English Literature. (Courseware designer; editor; co-author, with David Cody, Kathryn Stockton, et al.) Providence, R. I.: Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship, 1987. A corpus of approximately 1000 electronically linked graphic and text documents created using Intermedia software. [See 3.42--43 for fuller description]
5.2 "An Introduction to Intermedia," Assignments in Hypertext, ed. Elli Mylonas. Hypercard. Annenberg/CPB & Perseus Projects, 1988.
5.3. "Ms. Austen's Submission [short story]" IF, 1 (December 1988). An electronic publication edited by Gordon Howell distributed on BITNET worldwide from Edinburgh, Scotland.
5.4 The Dickens Web. Providence, R. I.: Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship, 1990. A hypermedia corpus containing 200 documents. Received EDUCOM/ENCRIPTAL Higher Education Software Award, Best Curriculum Innovation -- Humanities (1990). Storyspace version Cambridge: Eastgate Systems, 1992.
5.5 (with Jon Lanestedt) The "In Memoriam" Web. Storyspace version Cambridge: Eastgate Systems, 1992.
5.6 Hypertext in Hypertext. DynaText. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. An amplified electronic versipon of 1.12.
5.7 Writing at the Edge. Storyspace. Cambridge: Eastgate Systems, 1994.
5.8 Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Amplified, updated version of Chapter One (1996).
5.9. Photographs of graffiti from Berlin, Venice,, and Victoria, B. C. on Susan Farrell's Art Crimes website. 1996.
5.10 "Putting Victorian Poetry on the Web?," WWW version of Victorian Poetry, Spring 1998.
5.11 "Singapore" in Feed June 13, 2000 (essay and panorama photos for Quicktime VR).
5.12 Photograph of Postmodern Architecture in Singapore. Tekka Vol 1, Number2. 2004.
World Wide Web Materials, including translations of print materials.

Last modified 15 May 2008