The station at Albion, which is here populated with half a dozen Preiser figures in Victorian clothing, has a yellow and brown color scheme instead of the AP&G's usual gaudy red and yellow. This model follows fairly closely Joe Wilhelm's plans for the Clearwater station in Kalmbach Books' Building Bridges & Buildings for Model Railroads (1965), which, when I began the AP&G, was virtually my beginner's Bible. From it I built a water-treatment plant, New England covered bridge, trestles, one-stall enginehouse, and a crossing shanty.
The tiny Albion station uses Northeastern wood clapboard, and strips of sandpaper painted with grimy black simulate the tarpaper roof. I used rub-on lettering for the station sign and metal castings for windows, doors, and chimney — some or all of which came from Scale Structures, Ltd. I don't know what happened to this model. I think I gave it to a friend's child many years ago [GPL].