- The new stone station at Albion
- Station on the Galilee Dock
- The Hi-Line Suburban Station at South Albion
- Pawtuxet Central Station
- Rural Station and Freighthouse (no longer on the AP&G)
- The first station at Albion (no longer on the AP&G)
Water Tanks, Coaling Stations, Sand Houses, and Engine Sheds
- A Watertower from a Plastic Kit
- A Scratchbuilt Offset Water Tank
- Coaling Shed with Crane
- A Scratchbuilt Sandhouse (three views)
- Sand House, Coal Storage Shed, and Coal Derrick with scratch built shelter
- The Albion Yards: Enginehouse, Water-treatment Plant, and Rectangular Water Tank
- Machine shop at the side of the 3-stall roundhouse
- Two Water Cranes
- Coal Crane
Lineside Structures
Bridges and Testles