Heisler 117. This Heisler logging locomotive was manufactured by Rivarossi and imported by AHM. According to the package, it is based on a L. C. & N. Co. locomotive. One of the first of the high-quality plastic logging locomotives, this model strikes me as quite handsome but very large in comparison to my various Shays and more conventional 0-4-0s.
I removed the original lettering, replacing it with "Glanville Lumber Company," and added a re-railer, rusty chains, a steam-driven waterpump and hose reel, and I also painted the coupler lift-bars and steps. Using pastel chalks, I also added rust, lime scale to the steam dome, mud to the lower parts of the engine, and brownish dirt to steps, roof and coal deck. [Another view before most of the additions above]