The Engine Yard

This Fairbanks Morse 100-ton coaling tower scratchbuilt by Justin Maguire dominates the engine house area of the NBR&N. Justin also constructed the engine house, which, like the coaling tower us removed when the module travels. [Click on images to enlarge them.]

Left: The scratchbuilt engine house, which does not follow any particular prototype, consists of two separate units that disassemble for traveling. Right: A view from the opposite end of the engine house looking toward the Fairbanks Morse coaling tower.

A side view of the engine house and figures populating the scene. Note the silver-colored water crane at the far left.

Justin scaled up the Alexander HO version of the Fairbanks Morse coaling tower, adding both the shed and a sand facility seen protruding from its right side in the first photo. The tower stands 10 ¾ inches from the peak of its roof to the bottom of the supporting legs where they contact the concrete bases. Other details seen in the right-hand picture include the unpainted beam and pulley for lifting up bags of sand, piping, and figures on the stairs.

The coal and sand tower in its surroundings, the edge of the turntable appearing at left, the water crane and shed at right. Bite the switch stands.

Two close-up photos of the upper part of the coaling tower.