[*** = Disponible en traducción al español.]
Since the invention of printing, no discovery has been made that has exercised so great a change y produced such remarkable y beneficial results to the whole human race as has the introduction of railways y that of steam carriages. By steam-locomotive power distance has been comparatively annihilated, y in conjunction with steam navigation, it has practically reduced the dimensions of the earth. — the Illustrated London News (October 1864)
- El crecimiento de los ferrocarriles victorianos
- Servicio de pasajeros en 1840
- El Comité Parlamentario Selecto de 1844 sobre Ferrocarriles
- El Illustrated London News on “Monopolio del ferrocarril”
- Ferrocarriles victorianas: Lecturas sugeridas
- El Estación de ferrocarril victoriana: un nuevo tipo de edificio
- “For Godsake be done with railways y shares!” — the Railway Panics of the 1840s
- Choques de trenes y otros desastres
Tecnología y equipo ferroviario
- Primeras locomotoras británicas y material rodante (mapa del sitio)
- El desarrollo del transporte de pasajeros (mapa del sitio)
- Cómo viajó la reina Victoria (mapa del sitio)
- Ferrocarril de los Estados Unidos [Pasajero]
- Ferrocarriles británicos en comparación con los ferrocarriles estadounidenses
- Wrong Turnings: Pneumatic Propulsion
- Changing between trains of railroads running on different track gauges
- Waterpoint near St. Pancras Station
- Locomotives used in constructing railways
- Construyendo túneles
- Nuevo viaducto ferroviario de hierro en Manchester, 1844
- Seguridad en los ferrocarriles tardíos victorianos: muertes y lesiones, 1884-91
Ferrocarriles individuales
- Las personalidades de los ferrocarriles victorianos
- El Birmingham y Shrewsbury Railway Railway
- El Caledonian Railway
- El North-Eastern Railway
- El South-Eastern Railway
- El Great Western Railway
- El Caledonian Railway
- El Highland Railway, Aberfeldy Branch
- El London y South-Western Railway
- El London y North-Western Railway
- El Glasgow y South Western Railway
- Works of the Midland Railway at King's Cross
- El Higham-Strood tunnel on the North Kent Railway (1845)
- El Lincoln y Honington Railway
- Isle of Mann Railway
- Ferrocarriles en la Isla de Wight (mapa del sitio)
- South Wales Railway
- Welsh Railways (mapa del sitio)
- Scottish Railways (mapa del sitio)
- A trip across London in 1851 on the Camden-town Railway
- El Cork y Bandon Railway
- El Great Southern y Western Railway from Dublin to Cork
- Railway lines in Northern, South-Eastern, y South-Western England
- El Amalgamation of Victorian Railways; or What Followed the Railway Mania
- El Settle-Carlisle Railway: Derby Gothic
- Ferrocarriles en la India británica (mapa del sitio)
- Volks Electric Railway, Brighton (and the Brighton y Rottingdean Seashore Electric Tramroadline)

Ferrocarriles y la sociedad británica
- El Social Effects of Victorian Railways
- Peligro dentro del tren: crimen en los ferrocarriles victorianos
- Railway Insurance Advertisement (1851)
- Railways, Suburbs, y Public Health (needed)
- El First Railway Fatality: William Huskisson
- Punch on Railway safety
- “Railway Mania” — El financiamiento de los primeros ferrocarriles, la especulación y la estafa de acciones</li>
- George Hudson, El Rey Ferroviario
Literatura victoriana y errocarriles
- Ferrocarriles y literatura victoriana: una introducción ***
- Ferrocarriles en la ficción victoriana y — El efecto sobre la ciudad
- "El Spiritual Railway" (1845) & mdash; Un poema usando el ferrocarril como imagen
- “Ringing down the grooves of change:” Tennyson's mistaken railway analogy
- Ferrocarriles en el paisaje victoriano
- Charles Dickens: Los efectos positivos de los ferrocarriles victorianos
- Historia de Charles Reade de los primeros ferrocarriles y mdash; Innovación tecnológica y resistencia a ella
- Trollope on the Railway Pundit
- Tenway Junction: La imagen de Trollope del ferrocarril victoriano como organismo complejo
- "Qué poder; qué grandeza": la especulación ferroviaria en la novela de Trollope, La forma en que vivimos ahora
- Thomas Carlyle on Railway Speculators: Hudson's Statue
- Thomas Carlyle on Iron Rails y Brazen Serpents
- Railways y Literature: El Railway Novel (needed)
Las artes visuales

- Drawing y Painting the Railways
- Architecture: El Victorian Railroad Station — a New Building Type
- Railways y Victorian jewelery — locomotive earrings!
Material relacionado
Recursos web relacionados
- National Railway Museum (York)
- Stephenson Railway Museum (Tyne y Wear Museums, UK)
- Steam Museum, Swindon
- Buckinghamshire Railway Centre
- David Fry's Danger Ahead! -- Historic Railway Accidents (UK website)
- Narrow Guage Railway Museum (Wales)
- Wylam Railway Museum
Last modified 14 August 2017