
- Annual Meeting of the British and Foreign School Society
- Science and Mathematics in Victorian Education: A Bibliography
- The Anti-Technological Bias of Victorian Education and Britain's Economic Decline
- Harriet Martineau, Economics Educator
- “Parents are not good enough”: Spencer on the Relation of Education to a Flawed Humanity and Its Flawed Society
- The Essential Importance of Drawing in Education and Self-Development
- “So terribly in our education does the ornamental over-ride the useful!” Spencer’s Criticism of Victorian Education
- The Essential Need for Independence, Self-Discovery, and Pleasure in Self-Directed Learning in Education
Primary and Secondary Education
- Primary and Secondary Education in England and Wales, 1850-1876
- Robert Raikes and the Eighteenth-century Sunday School Movement
- Ragged Schools
- William Edward Forster and universal elementary education
- Richard Cobden’s 1851 speech on Secular Education as the Solution to Sectarian Opposition
- The College of Preceptors (aka Society of Teachers)
- Punch on struggle between religious denominations for control of primary education
- The University of London and Its Boys' Schools
- Queen's College and the Ladies' College
- Moses Angel and the Jew's Free School
- E. R. Robson and School Construction after the 1870 Education Act
- Music education after the 1870 Education Act
- First Fruit of the School Board — an 1873 cartoon from Fun
- The First London School Board, a painting by John Whitehead Walton
- State Involvement in Public Education before the 1870 Education Act
- Passmore Edwards Settlement (first classrooms for disabled children)
- Children's Geography Books: Mapping Imperial Hierarchies and Ruling the World
- Primary School Architecture
- The Yorkshire Dales in Victorian Times: Education
- The School House, Trumpington
- The Liverpool Collegiate Institution
- Raising the Grade: A Review of Pamela Horn's Life in a Victorian School (A Pitkin Guide)
- Review of William Whyte's Redbrick: A Social and Architectural History of Britain’s Civic Universities
Adult Education Institutions
- Bishopsgate Institute
- The Regent Street Polytechnic and Its Travel Programs
- The London Mechanics' Institution
- (Former) Institute of Popular Science and Literature, York
- The Literary Institute, Muker, Swaledale
- St Mark's Teacher-Training College, Chelsea (a pioneering institution)
Educational Theorists
- Frances Mary Buss
- Hannah More and the "Classical Christian" View
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Johann H. Pestalozzi
- Elizabeth Missing Sewell
- Derwent Coleridge (founding principal of St Mark's Teacher-Training College, Chelsea)
Public Schools
- Introduction
- The Public School Experience in Victorian Literature
- Critical Observations on British Public Schools
- Charterhouse
- Charterhouse School
- Alumni of Charterhouse mentioned in the Victorian Web
- Thackeray on Grey Friars, the Public School in The Newcomes that stands for Charterhouse
- Eton
- Harrow
- Rugby
- Rugby (sitemap)
- Thomas Arnold's Theories of Secondary Education
- Thomas Arnold, Rugby's great reforming headmaster
- Thomas Hughes's Defence of Fagging at Rugby
- Alumni of Rugby mentioned in the Victorian Web
- Victorian images of Rugby
- Shrewsbury
- Winchester
- Westminster
Independent boarding schools
- The Marlborough School
- St Columba’s College, Stackallan, Ireland
- St. Peter's College, Radley (Radley College), Oxfordshire
- St Peter's School, York
Universities and other institutions of higher learning
When England had only two universities, Germany had about fifty, intended to train clerics and admninistrators. . . . Instead of passively acquiring established knowledge, students were expected to learn how to do original research, helped by the new institution of the research seminar. These innovations have fed slowly into British universities, where Mark Pattison was almost alone in advocating reseearch in nineteenth-century Oxford. — Ritchie Robertson, Times Literary Supplement (1 October 2010): 7
Cambridge University
Oxford University
- Victorian and later images
- An awfully idle place" — Thomas Hughes on Oxford in the 1840s
- "Ah, Geordie, the scout is an institution!" — Tom Brown describes his college servant
- Gentlemen Commoners
University of London
Universities outside London, Oxford, and Cambridge
- University of Birmingham
- University of Cardiff
- Trinity College, Dublin
- University of Leeds
- University of Liverpool
- University of Manchester
- University of Glasgow
- Queen's University, Belfast
Royal Military Academy at Woolwich
Material needed for the following institutions
Scottish universities (Edinburgh, Glasgow, and St. Andrews)
Archival resources
- Archival resources relating to the higher education of women in England: Introduction
- The University of London
- The University of Cambridge
- The University of Oxford
- The University of Durham
- Conclusion (1994)
- Archival Resources revisited (2013)
Of Special Notice
Last modified 25 August 2022