Tapestries designed by Burne-Jones
- David giving Solomon directions for building of the Temple
- The Failure of Sir Gawaine
- Attainment by Sir Galahad (detail)
- The Attainment of the Holy Grail (whole tapestry)
- The Departure of the Knights
- Peace
- Adoration of the Magi
- The Passing of Venus
- The Arming and Departure of the Knights (in colour)
Tapestries designed by Burne-Jones and J. H. Dearle

- Flora
- Angeli Laudantes
- Angeli Ministrantes (two panel version)
- Angeli Ministrantes
- Musician Angel (from the angel on the left of Angeli Laudantes)
- Musician Angel (from the angel on the right of Angeli Laudantes
Cooper, Suzanne Fagence. "Burne-Jones as Designer." Edward Burne-Jones. Ed. Alison Smith. London: Tate Publishing, 2018. 196-213.
Vallance, Aymer. “Some Examples of Tapestry designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones and Mr. J. H. Dearle.” The International Studio. 36 (1908): 13-24. Internet Archive version of a copy in the University of Toronto Library. Web. 5 August 2018.
Last modified 12 June 2020