He was an easy companion, spontaneous, whimsical, high-spirited.... modest about his talent. He did not seek to rival John Singer Sargent whose position as England’s pre-eminent portrait painter nevertheless would come to him as next in succession. — Michael Holroyd, p. 51

Other Paintings

Arnold, Bruce. "Painting's Brush with a Great Love Affair." Independent.ie. 8 May 2001. Web. 11 July 2021.
Chilvers, Ian, and John Glaves-Smith. Oxford Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art. 2nd ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009.
Lambourne, Lionel. Victorian Painting. London and New York: Phaidon, 1999."Metropolitan School of Art, Dublin." Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland 1851-1951 (University of Glasgow History of Art and HATII, online database). Web. 11 July 2021.
Tsaneva, Maria. William Orpen: 109 Masterpieces.
Created 11 July 2021