People Who Look at Paintings
- The First Day [of the Royal Academy Exhibition
- Real Appreciation
- Real Appreciation [by another artist]
- Ambigous Criticism
The Royal Academy and other Exhibitions
- Academy Notes
- More Academy Notes
- The New Gallery Guyed
- The Royal Academy Much Improved Upon (From a Sloperian Point of View)”
Links to Other Cartoonist’s on Visitors to Art Exhibitions

- Perhaps — Charles Keene. Punch (17 August 1867)
- “Non Commital Punch.
- “Sic Transit Gloria” — Monday — G. Gatcombe, Fun (31 May 1893)
- At the Academy — Fun (17 June 1865)
- R A High Art — Fun (10 May 1876)
- The First Monday in May — Fun (9 May 1873)
Last modified 16 February 2022