
Neoclassical Style
- Neoclassical Wit
- Augustan Poetic Diction
- Conversation in Art and Life
- The Heroic or Neoclassical Couplet
- Erasmus Darwin’s Poetry — the Steam Engine, Evolution, & Radical Politics
Neoclassical Genres and Modes — Satire
- Satire: An Introduction
- Narrators, Masks, and Speakers in Satire
- Hodgart on The Conditions of Political Satire
- Mock Epic
The Arts
- Eighteenth-Century Architecture
- Eighteenth-Century Neoclassical Buildings in Bath
- The Sister Arts — Literature and Painting as Similar
Political and Social History
- Prime Ministers
- The British Empire
- The Coffee House as a Center of Business — The Jamaica Coffee House in the City of London
- The Anti-Slavery Campaign in eighteenth- and nineteenth-centuries
After the Augustans
Incorporated in the Victorian Web July 2000; last modified 24 November 2016