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Biographical Materials
Aboriculture, Breeding, and “the natural process of selection”
- Matthew on “the natural process of selection”
- Where Matthew didn't anticipate Darwin
- Matthew on Disease
Political and Social Themes and Contexts
- Against “Outrages on the Law of Nature”: Patrick Matthew on the Political and Social Implications of Selection
- Patrick Matthew, Atheist & Materialist
- Matthew’s Emigration Fields
Reception and Reputation
Barker, J. E. “Patrick Matthew - Forest Geneticist.” Forest History Today, (Spring-Fall 2001): 64-65.
Dempster, W. J. Patrick Matthew and Natural Selection: nineteenth century gentleman farmer, naturalist and writer Paul Harris Publishing, Edinburgh, 1983.
Dempster, W. J. Evolutionary Concepts in the Nineteenth Century: Natural Selection and Patrick Matthew. Edinburgh: The Pentland Press, , 1996.
Loudon J. C. “Matthew Patrick On Naval Timber and Arboriculture with Critical Notes on Authors who have recently treated the Subject of Planting.” Gardeners Magazine 8 (1832): 703.
Matthew, Patrick. On Naval Timber and Arboriculture; with Critical Notes on Authors who have recently treated the Subject of Planting Adam and Charles Black, Edinburgh, & Longman and Co. London, 1831.
https://Matthew, Patrick Nature's law of selection. “Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette.” (7 April 1832): 312-13 accessed 24. 2. 18.
Matthew, Patrick. Emigration fields. North America, the Cape, Australia, and New Zealand; describing these countries, and giving a comparative view of the advantages they present to British settlers. Adam and Charles Black, Edinburgh, & Longman and Co. London, 1839.
Matthew, Patrick. Prospectus of the Scots New Zealand Land Company Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1839.
Matthew, Patrick. “Nature’s law of selection.” Gardener’s Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette (7 April 1860): 312-13.
Matthew, Patrick. “Letter to .” Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette (12 May 1860): 433.
Matthew, Patrick. “The Potato Blight and Harvest Prospects in the North.” The British Farmer’s Magazine 41 New Series (1861): 90.
Patrick Matthew Project. Web. 24 February 18.
“On Naval Timber.” The United Services Journal and Naval and Military Magazine (1831): 457-66.
Quarterly Review April-July, 49 (1832): 126-127. [John Murray, London].
Rampino, M. R. “Darwin’s error? Patrick Matthew and the catastrophic nature of the geological record.” Historical Biology: An International Journal of Palaeobiology, 23.2-3, 2011.
Strivens M. “The Role of the Priority Rule in Science.” Jol. of Philosophy 100.55 (2003): 1-33.
Last modified 14 June 2018