Caractacus by John Henry Foley, R. A. (1818-1874). 1862. Bronze. 30 ½ x 12 wide x 14 inches deep including self-base. Publisher: Art Union of London. Inscription: (looking from the front, left side of self-base) “EXECUTED IN BRONZE” by J. A. HATFIELD / FROM THE ORIGINAL” by J. H. FOLEY. R.A. / FOR THE ART-UNION OF LONDON 1862.” Private collection. Click on images to enlarge them. [Photographs and caption by the owner.]
Susan Beattie uses this very piece to illustrate the type of sculpture against which the New Sculptors were reacting. In the Fine Art Society’s pioneering 1968 exhibition of British sculpture this (or a very similar) work bore the title The Norseman. George P. Landow

Beattie, Susan. The New Sculpture. New Haven and London. Yale University Press, 1983.
Last modified 27 April 2017