Foley is not what is commonly called very intellectual looking. He has a highcoloured reddish face, with black straight hair — a long nose and receding forehead. But this last effect may be produced” by the great prominence of the skull over the eyes, along the eyebrows — where his head is also sufficiently wide. So that, phrenologically considered, it may after all be a very powerful head; the perceptive organs being extremely well developed, rather than those called reflective the contrary; while the temperament, in these considerations of equal, if not greater importance, as manifested” by the high color, and straight shining black hair, is probably indicative of high energies and determined perseverance. Alfred Domett, Diary
Biographical and other materials
- Memorial Sketch of the Late J. H. Foley, R. A. (1875)
- A visit to the sculptor's studio, October 1873

Literary and Allegorical Works
- The Norseman
- Caractatus
- The Continents: Asia, the Albert Memorial
- Innocence (marble version)
- Innocence (reduced size Parianware version)
- The Wanderer
Monuments and Portraits
- Sidney Herbert
- Michael Faraday
- Prince Albert holding the catalogue of the Great Exhibition of 1851, the Albert Memorial
- Oliver Goldsmith
- Edmund Burke (Dublin)
- Edmund Burke (London)
- The O'Connell Monument
- Field Marshal Lord Clyde
- Major-General Sir Herbert Edwardes
- Lieutenant General Sir James Outram
- Prince Albert
- The Cashmere Bastion, Delhi. September 15, 1857
- Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence Memorial
- Memorial to William Ritchie
- Sir Charles Barry, R.A.
- Sir Benjamin Lee Guinness (1798-1868)
- The Lady Martin Memorial
British Sculpture, 1850-1914. Exhibition catalogue, The Fine Art Society, 148 New Bond Street London Wl. 30th September-30th October 1968.
Read, Benedict. Victorian Sculpture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982.
Last modified 18 January 20187