Charles Buxton, like his father Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, was in the brewing industry. He was also an active MP. Writing in 1856, he expressed the hope that the house he was then designing for himself would "turn out beautiful and picturesque" (qtd. in Nairn and Pevsner 597); but Ian Nairn and Nikolaus Pevsner find it quite otherwise, describing it as "big and violent, with crow-stepped gables and glowing diaper polychrome brickwork throughout" (246).
Works (with the assistance of Frederick Barnes)

- Foxwarren Park
- Former lodge, Foxwarren Park, Byfleet Road
- Former lodge, Foxwarren Park, Redhill Road
- Roof of the Byfleet Road lodge (close-up)
- The entrance to Home Farm at Foxwarren Park
- Brickwork and other design elements at Home Farm
- The Dairy at Home Farm
Entry for the Buxton family in the Peerage. Viewed 28 August 2008.
Nairn, Ian and Nikolaus Pevsner, Nikolaus. The Buildings of England: Surrey. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2nd ed. 1971.

Last modified 28 August 2008