
- Sylvie’s Music
- He wrenched out that Crocodile’s toof!
- And are not these the Fish
- “I must make Nero visible, you know!”
- And there came a day when they put their heads together
- [The lion rescues the lamb]
- [Yawning man & fish with tophat]
- And in marched . . . an Elephant
- That Camel passed . . . around the ruined Pump
- A furious wild beast

- Five 0’Clock Tea
- Lords of Creation
- Still clinging to him, she laid her head softly on his breast
- An' she just puts her dear arms about my neck
- He was indeed a pitiable object
- His wife knelt down at the bedside
Carroll, Lewis. Sylvia and Bruno Concluded. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. Hathi Digital Library Trust version of a copy in the Pennsylvania State University Library. Web. 20 September 2016.
Last modified 20 September 2016