Plate Number | Volume | Page | Date | Illustration | Format |
One | 62 | 289 | January 1881 | "But, My Dear Lady, You Promised." | horizontal, above 7 lines of double-columned text |
Two | 62 | 449 | February 1881 | "Fine Old Screen, Sir!" | horizontal, whole-page |
Three | 62 | 609 | March 1881 | "'What An Escape!Õ' He Said." | vertical, whole-page |
Four | 62 | 769 | April 1881 | "Somerset Closed The Hand Which Was Hanging By His Side." | vertical, whole-page |
Five | 62 | 929 | May 1881 | "On Entering The Drawing-Room Only The Father, Son, And Daughter Were Assembled." | horizontal, whole-page |
Six | 63 | 129 | June 1881 | "Is The Resemblance Strong?" | vertical, whole-page |
Seven | 63 | 289 | July 1881 | "The Young Man Was At Her Side Before She Had Crossed The Pavement." | horizontal, above 4 lines of double-columned text |
Eight | 63 | 449 | August 1881 | "My Uncle, Mr. Abner Power, Said Paula." | horizontal, whole-page |
Nine | 63 | 6099 | September 1881 | "You Will Please To Deliver Them Into No Hands But His Own." | vertical, whole-page |
Ten | 63 | 449 | October 1881 | "Charlotte's Eyes At Once Forsook The Portrait To Dwell On Paula's Face." | horizontal, whole-page |
Eleven | 63 | 929 | November 1881 | "De Stancy Screened Paula With His Umbrella As They Stood With Their Backs To The Wind." | horizontal, whole-page |
Twelve | 64 | 129 | November 1881 | "Soon a Funeral Procession of Simpler -- Almost Meagre and Threadbare -- Character Arrived" | horizontal, whole-page |
Thirteen | 64 | 289 | November 1881 | "Somerset Now Made Them Known To One Another." | horizontal, whole-page |
In Victorian Novels in Serial (NY: MLA, 1985), J. Don Vann incorrectly indicates on page 85 that the serial run of Hardy's A Laodicean began in the December, 1880, issue of Harper's, possibly because Vol. 62 begins in December. However, had he checked the individual monthly editions against the page numbers given in the table of contents for Vol. 62, he would have discovered that Part One of A Laodicean is in the January, 1881, number.

Last modified 11 May 2001